Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Outsiders Pages 1-72

I believe that I wouldn't have made the same decision that Ponyboy made. He made a decision to runaway from home because of his older brother hitting him. Now he thinks that it was a bad decision because he is in even more trouble. When he and his friend Johnny decided to runaway, they ran into their rival gang The Socs. When The Socs started beating up Ponyboy and Johnny, Johnny pulled out a switch blade and stabbed one of The Socs. When all the other Socs ran Ponyboy and Johnny realized that the boy was dead.

They knew now they couldn't stay around, so they went to Dally's house who was apart of their gang. When they got there they told Dally the whole story, and he helped them out. He helped them by giving them some money, a gun, and he told them a hideout they can go to. I wouldn't have made the same choice as Ponyboy because if my older brother hit me i whould've just hit him back, I wouldn't have ranaway like a baby because of my older brother hitting me.

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