Friday, May 9, 2008

Deter the Drug Trade

One of my questions about my project is; What is being done to stop Drug Dealers?
When I researched this question I started off by doing some preliminary searching about the "War on Drugs." Rolling Stone had an article titled "How America Lost the War on Drugs." In this article it explains how Pablo Escabor was finally caught and gunned down for being a drug kingpin. I also found out that when drug dealers get caught they go to jail and probably get bailed out unless they were sentenced without bail.

When people get caught, most of them don't learn their lesson and go back out on the streets. But not all people do, some people become speakers for young people so they won't do the terrible things they did. What people fail to realize is if you don't deal drugs in the first place then they wouldn't be in that situation.


Unknown said...

When I researched this question I started off by doing some preliminary searching about the "War on Drugs." Rolling Stone had an article titled "How America Lost the War on Drugs." In this article it explains how Pablo Escabor was finally caught and gunned down for being a drug kingpin. I also found out that when drug dealers get caught they go to jail and probably get bailed out unless they were sentenced without bail.guild wars 2 gold
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