Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Blog #3-The Outsiders

I believe that Randy's experience caused him to grow. I feel this way because he doesn't want to fight in the big rumble, (Socs vs. Greasers). He doesn't want to fight in the rumble anymore because of the gang sh!t, his best friend was killed. His best friend's name was Bob, the Socs were all drunk one night and were looking for a fight. They happened to run into Ponyboy and Johnny and they jumped them. Johnny looked up from off the ground and seen that Bob had Ponyboy's face in a bird bath, nearly drowning him. Johnny ran over there and he pulled a knife out and stabbed and killed Bob.

I think that Randy decided he doesn't want to be in the rumble because he doesn't want to end up like his friend Bob. On the other hand he thinks he has to be in it because the other Socs might think he is a punk. Or the might think that he probably wants revenge.

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