Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Stranger Is Watching by Mary Higgins Clark

In this book there are many conflicts that just pop out at you. You never know when there is one coming. I look forward to learning about how all the conflicts in my book are going to be resolved. For instance, there's this man named Steve. His wife got murdered by a man named Ronald. Ronald is supposed to be going to jail in a couple of days for murder but he wants revenge on Steve for putting him in jail. So Ronald kidnapped Steve's son Neil. Now Steve has to follow Ronald's directions to get his son back alive. So now I want to know if Steve's going to follow his directions and I want to know if Neil is going to die. I want to know what's going to happen to the people who are starting these conflicts and what's going to happen to the people who are the innocent ones in these conflicts. I think the characters in this story will face horrible problems.

They may face problems they can't take. For example, going to prison for a long time or maybe even life. The main character Steve is a nice and very honest person. I think all the problems he is going through will be resolved. Hopefully his son Neil and his girlfriend Sharon Martin will get returned safely. Steve has been through too much for him to not get his family back. Everything will change when Ronald Thompson is put in jail and they know that everything is safe now. The one person who committed crimes and murdered many people will now be put in jail. But before all this can happen the police has to find Ronald and put him away for life.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Diera, nice focus on the conflicts. I love that you keep on coming back to the question as it provides nice organization.