Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I learned many things about the seizure disorder, epilepsy. I learned that epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the nervous system. Epilepsy can come from a family generation and it can come from a brain injury that may have happened. You can't get rid of epilepsy. You will have it for the rest of your life. I also learned there are many kinds of medications out that can treat epilepsy but they all aren't good medications. Some medications can cause death. They are very dangerous. This is an side effect of having epilepsy. You have to be very careful about what you are taking and how it affects you. Some medications may cause the bones to deteriorate. No one wants to take medication that causes the bones to disappear while you're trying to get something else under control at the same time. Your medication is what gets your seizures under control as long as you continue to take it. Your medication is what has to stop the seizures from happening so often and basically that's what saves you. But this also cause things like discomfort, fatigue and dizziness. It's all apart of life. Taking your medication is nothing to play with. It's something serious. It involves your health and most important your life!

I had lots of success to the search of answering my essential question. There really isn't any actual strategy or plan that can be put in place to stop sudden death in epilepsy but there are some ways to prevent it from happening as much as it does. I found out some of those ways and I'm going to explain what some of them are. One of the ways are driving. People with epilepsy cannot drive because of caution. No one wants them to have a seizure behind the wheel while they are driving and cause an accident. No one wants that to happen and I'm pretty sure no one wants to risk their life. There are definitely some restrictions when it comes to having epilepsy. Another way to prevent sudden death from happening as much is to stay out of swimming pools. Especially ones that are deep. No one needs to be swimming in a pool and all of a sudden they have a seizure and drown. That is very devastating. So these are a few ways to prevent sudden death in epilepsy. I recommend people with epilepsy to take this into consideration.

I have epilepsy. So there are things I do to avoid sudden death in epilepsy. I take my medication on time and when I'm suppose to. I stay away from pools. There is no need for me to try to swim. I do not need to be in the water and all of a sudden I have a seizure causing me to drown. I can't drive at all so I'm never behind the wheel. I do not want an accident to happen. I just take it easy, never get myself worked up to the point were I'm going to have a seizure. I understand that there are things that I am limited to but I still can have fun and enjoy my life being a teenager. This goes for anyone with epilepsy. Just because you have a disability does not mean you have to stop doing what you been doing. You have to just be more cautious about what's going on around you and be more careful about what you are doing.

Epilepsy is really something serious. SUDEP, also known as sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, there are things that happen that is known as SUDEP. They are poor control of seizures, having seizures during sleep, not taking your medication and getting frequent changes in your medication(s). As long as these things are not happening to you, you should be alright and always stay going to your specialist for continuous check ups and for medication. You can still live a good life having a seizure disorder.

I found out lots of information about epilepsy that I never knew about. Now I know a lot about this seizure disorder that I have. I'm going to take all this information and share it with others that are just like me. I'm going to tell them everything I know and everything I found out. I'm pretty sure they would love to know about what they have, how they can control it, the medications for it, and what they can do to prevent death from epilepsy from happening as much. I believe that everyone with epilepsy takes this very seriously and would want someone to come forward and explain what's going on in the world today with the epilepsy "Universe." So here it is the the info page about epilepsy.

No luck...

Still yet I have found the causes of sudden deaths with tetralogy of fallot, but what I did find in my research the is the risk factors for sudden death of tetralogy of fallot, it has something to do with the right ventricular hypertrophy which is a enlargement of ventricles in the heart which is something that is not good. The actual causes of sudden death is still unknown. The only information that I was given was ways to prevent the sudden deaths. The most common is the surgery of course but another prevention is taking the medication if needed to enhance heart functions and also give the heart a normal heart beat or rhythm, but the actual cause will probably will not found until later on in life, and it's kind of upsets me because this is information that I really want not only myself but the world to know.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Deter the Drug Trade

One of my questions about my project is; What is being done to stop Drug Dealers?
When I researched this question I started off by doing some preliminary searching about the "War on Drugs." Rolling Stone had an article titled "How America Lost the War on Drugs." In this article it explains how Pablo Escabor was finally caught and gunned down for being a drug kingpin. I also found out that when drug dealers get caught they go to jail and probably get bailed out unless they were sentenced without bail.

When people get caught, most of them don't learn their lesson and go back out on the streets. But not all people do, some people become speakers for young people so they won't do the terrible things they did. What people fail to realize is if you don't deal drugs in the first place then they wouldn't be in that situation.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Causes of Tetralogy of Fallot

As I continue my search, trying to find the causes of this defect is rather difficult. One thing that I did find out is that the defect occurs due to abnormal developments and this happens the first eight weeks of pregnancy. A baby's heart begins to form shortly after conception and is complete by the end of the second month of pregnancy, during that time this is where tetralogy of fallot can occur. In my research I was not able to find out what are the causes of this heart defect because they are unknown. (The Internet Encyclopedia Of Science) Some believe that it is heredity, and can be past on to the next child or children but this can't be one of the main causes because for example no one I know of in my family has had this defect so there has to be another cause.

Another topic that runs through my mind is sudden death dealing with tetralogy of fallot. In my research that I learned that sudden death is still problem even though now surgery is being done to those who have this heart defect. The sudden deaths are hard for me to understand because it's not explained in the simplest terms. It's so many things that can go work during and even after the surgery, this is something that I am going to continue to look up and you'll find out the exact causes of sudden deaths with tetralogy of fallot as soon as I do.

"tetralogy of fallot." The Internet encyclopedia of science. 1 May 2008 .

Dangerous medications

There are many different drugs that people are taking to control their epilepsy. Out of all the medications there are, some of them can cause death. They are very dangerous. So this is another side effect of having epilepsy. You have to be very careful about what you are taking and how it affects you. One of the dangerous medications that are out is called Dilatin. This medication seems to make people react to it by having a seizure that can kill them. Most doctor's say that it's SUDEP. But others think this medication needs to be recalled. If it's suppose to help calm your seizures down, why is it making people have them? No one can answer this question but researchers are willing to find out. These medications can also cause bone deterioration. Who wants to take medicine that makes your bones deteriorate? I believe no one does especially not me! I just want medicine that works and that gets my seizures fully under control.
Everyone who has epilepsy is trying to either get it under control or keep it under control. But they can't if the medication or medications they are taking is causing them to react to it and have seizures and is making their bones disappear. So is taking seizure medication something dangerous? Is this puting your life in danger. as well as eating at your bones?(Gardner) Now I have to be cautious about the medication I am taking. I have been taking it for a year now and nothing has happened to me. So maybe I just have one of the good medications that isn't dangerous. This is something very serious that everyone has to look in to. This is definitely something not to play with especially when it involves your health and most importantly your life. This is more information that I found out about the effects of epilepsy and the medications for it. This is something important that everyone needs to know about whether they have it or not.
Gardner, Amanda. "Epilepsy drug linked to bone loss." washingtonpost.com 04 28 2008 30 04 2008 .

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Death Situation That Scares Everyone

I found out that many people have died from epilepsy. It's called Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). If a person dies suddenly with no cause that cannot be found after examination is SUDEP. Five hundred people die a year from this unknown cause of death. The causes of this death is still unknown till this day. Doctors say that the brain may have something to do with causing this. The brain can stop someone from breathing while they are having a seizure. After the seizure passes, it is said that that person will start breathing again. But the people that this has happened to did not get to breathe again they just stopped breathing and it caused them to die.
No one knows whether it's the epilepsy that causes this to happen or if that person already has problems with their heart and/or lungs. Most people that are at risk of this happening are people with poor control of their seizures, have seizures during their sleep, have a learning disability, young adult males, people who are not taking their medication and/or people getting frequently changes in their medication.
I found out that there are ways to reduce the risk of SUDEP. Some of the following are:
if seizures are not under control go see an specialist consistently, always take your medication, make sure that you never run out of your medication, and never make changes to or stop taking your medication without seeing your specialist. So now there are many things to know about epilepsy and the thing that scares everyone, DEATH!
"Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)." Epilepsy Information SUDEP 12 2007 28 04 2008 .

Friday, April 25, 2008

More Things to Know

My essential question is, what is the best strategy or plan someone can put in place to stop sudden death from epilepsy? There really aren't any strategies or plans that can really stop sudden death from epilepsy. But there are some ways to prevent it that can help but won't stop sudden death completely. One example would be driving. People with epilepsy cannot drive. They can't drive because they may have a seizure while driving and can cause an accident. It's a very dangerous risk to take. There are laws about driving for people with seizures. Some people can drive but they have a limited time that they can drive and can't drive after certain hours. I hate it because my seizures are not under control. So it prevents me from driving. Everyone is cautious because they don't want me to have a seizure behind the wheel. Most people in my position are banned from driving. And trust me it's nothing fun when you can't do what you want to. The rules varies on how bad that person has seizures and how often.
Another that is banned that epileptic people can't do is swim or bathe. Now about the swimming thing, people who have seizures very often like me, sometimes without knowing you're about to have one, cannot swim or play in water. Things such as a pool. It is dangerous because if you are trying to swim and you have a seizure, you can drown. I love getting in the pool and trying to swim. So it's very hard to try to enjoy yourself when you can't do anything.
Now about the bathing situation. Some people can't bathe because of the same thing with the pool situation except the water isn't as deep. But this is some more info. that I found out about epilepsy and how it affects me and people like me.
"Epilepsy Risk Management." Epilepsy Australia 25 04 2008 .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Blog #3

As, I continue my research I kind of feel bad because alot of things I should of known about this heart defect I honestly don't especially the fact that I've gone through and will for the rest of my life go through this. I learned that the heart has a wall that separates the chambers on its left side from those on its right side, the wall is called a septum. The septum prevents blood from mixing between the two sides of the heart, which is what the hole is apart of, the septum. I also learned that the hole allows oxygen-rich blood to flow from the left ventricle to the right ventricle, the problem with this is the blood isn't suppose to flow into the right ventricle at all. The blood is suppose to originally flow into the aorta which is the main part that leads the blood into the body, but because that was blocked oxygen has a very difficult time getting through the body, which is the reason for the operation. Before the operation the right ventricle tend to sort swell up and causes it to thickened. I'm not sure that someone can survive this without the surgery but I'm sure without the surgery isn't a good thing. I'm hoping to find out more information such as, can you survive without getting the operation? And if so how difficult is it? What exactly happens to the heart if you was to wait to the surgery? Does the heart actually swell up? There's alot of questions I really want and need answered because I feel that it's very important for those who may go through this to know all the facts, not only for myself but for also my child, if I decide to have children, my child may inherit this and I need to be further aware of this condition.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

First Week

My first week of being out on the streets watching how people in neighborhoods sell drugs to people was a shock. It was a shock to me because its a real shame how many people use drugs. Also its a real shame how people that you knew for a long time just get trapped or pressured to use drugs.
I have seen people that I am very close to get addicted to drugs. I also know that the drug dealers really don't care who they sell it to as long as they get the money. Although drug dealers would probably sell to pretty much anybody, they would have to watch out for undercover cops that try to buy drugs. Just about two weeks ago someone got arrested for selling drugs to an undercover cop.
This week I found out alot of intresting facts about my topic, and next week I would like to find out more.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blog #2

I began my research of what exactly is Tetralogy of Fallot and I learned that it is an sort of heart defect from many different heart defects. This particular heart defect causes many problems with the lungs and it interferes with your breathing. I already knew that this heart defect was basically in the simplest words an hole in your heart but the proper terms a ventricular septal defect (a hole between the ventricles). I also learned that this heart defect is a problem with the heart's structure that's present at birth). The term "blue baby" is also used to describe this condition because some babies who does not have the operation sometimes and most likely turn blue. I learned that the babies turn blue from blood not flowing throughout the body. Luckily the doctors was able to repair my tetralogy of fallot before I turned the color blue. From my research I've also learned that it's a possibility that if I was to become pregnant that I'm at high risk of having a difficult pregnancy. The changes pregnancy brings to a woman's body, can make symptoms of congestive heart failure worse. Having a baby with this condition can cause problems not only for me but also problems such as growth for my baby. So far this is what I found about my heart defect and I'm expected to learn alot more once I finish my research.

"Tetralogy of Fallot." American Heart Assocation. 2008. 22 Apr 2008 .

"What is Tetralogy of Fallot?." National Blood Institute of Health. 2007. 22 Apr 2008 .

"Sex, Pregnancy and Birth Control." American Heart Assocation. 2008. 23 Apr 2008 .

Thursday, April 17, 2008

So I started my research to answer some of the questions I had. I found out that epilepsy is caused by abnormal electric impulses in groups of nerve cells (neurons) found in the brain. It can also be caused by brain injury or through the family's generation. But most causes are unknown (Rutherford).
This had lots of information about epilepsy. But I decided to go on other websites to find out about more information. I found out that epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the nervous system. I also found out that it really is a seizure disorder(Camfield). Epilepsy can be controlled. I need to know about this because I'm trying to get my seizures under control. Your medication that you take controlls it. As long as you're taking your medication and it's working it will get your seizures under control. I know this is true because when I started taking my med's they were working at first but they just weren't strong enough for me. This is something you cant get rid of. It's something you will have to live with for the rest of your life. So now I know that I can never get rid of this seizure disorder that I have.
There are also many side effects that I found out about when taking your medication. Some of them are experiencing fatigue, abnormal discomfort, dizziness and blurred vision. This all can come from your medication. The medication that I'm taking causes me to have some of these side effects and it's nothing fun. This is what I found out about epilepsy so far and I'm going to continue to find out more because I know there is still lots of information about this seizure disorder that I don't know about.

Steven, Schachter,. "side effects." epilepsy.com 15 12 2006 18 04 2008 http://www.epilepsy.com/epilepsy/medicine_sideeffects.

How to get rid of epilepsy." whfhhc 18 04 2008 http://www.whfhhc.com/Epilepsy/32167.htm.

Camfield, Carol. "All About Epilepsy." epilepsy.com 16 10 2006 16 04 2008 .http://www.epilepsy.com/epilepsy/main_epilepsy

Rutherford, Dan. "Epilepsy - what are the causes?." NetDoctor.co.uk 03 08 2005 16 04 2008 http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/epilepsycauses.htm.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"Tetralogy of Fallot." American Heart Assocation. 2008. 22 Apr 2008 .

"What is Tetralogy of Fallot?." National Blood Institute of Health. 2007. 22 Apr 2008 .

"Sex, Pregnancy and Birth Control." American Heart Assocation. 2008. 23 Apr 2008 .

Friday, April 11, 2008

Teens Dealing Drugs; Before the Search

Today in the world drug dealing is becoming more of a problem. More people are doing it and even kids are too, because of the area they grew up in or just because they think it's cool. I became interested in this topic because I want to know what it is that make young people do this action.
I already know some things about the topic. I know that most people start dealing drugs because their parents or guardians are on drugs. Some people start doing it because their not successful at getting a job.
I would like to know what makes people want to resort to drug dealing. How can we prevent this? What is being done to stop it? What is the pecentage of young people that are drug dealing today?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tetralogy of Fallot: My story

I became interested in this topic because this is something I was born with. When I was born the doctors were lead to believe that I simply just had what is called an heart "murmur" but as time when by and I began to get sick, in and out of the hospital for 2years which is when the doctors realized that it was more then just a heart "murmur" it was an heart defect. I was born with an cyanotic condition which is called Tetralogy of Fallot. This caused me to be very ill to the point where when I would cry I would instantly pass out, I ran out of breath easily so I wasn't able to play like a normal child . At the age of 2 & 1/2 I had my open heart surgery which was a success.

What I already know about Tetralogy of Fallot is that it's basically an hole in your heart that effects the lungs and my breathing. That's what caused me to pass out, short of breath. It also changed the normal flow of blood throughout the heart which when not enough blood is getting to the lungs it makes it difficult to get oxygen.

Growing up as a child with this disease was very difficult even after my surgery. As I began the healing process I still had alot of things I had to do so I wasn't living a normal toddler life. There was a time where I had to take medication and go to the heart doctor for an check up almost every month. I wasn't able to participate in rough sports nor do alot of running, but besides all of the problem I had to deal with I still was a happy child. I use to laugh alot and still to this day I still do. I use to get alot of enjoyment out of life by just laughing because I knew I was sick, that's one thing that I remember the doctors use to say about me is that I was so joyful and happy. I did have my days when I was just to myself, I did cry alot, I was in alot of pain.

Every single time even after have my surgery several years later the doctors still remind me of what happen to me. It use to bother me because I hated being reminded of what happen to me and how I was born. Now that I'm older and I'm mature I love thinking about that fact that I am so lucky to be alive. My family call me the miracle baby and I love that name. I feel as if I am an survivor because I was able to accomplished alot of things that the doctors said I wouldn't be able to do. The doctors told me that I would be on medication for the rest of my life. At the age of two the doctors took me off the medication. The doctors said I wouldn't be able to play any sports or do alot of running, I was an cheerleader for 6years. The doctors said I would have to visit for an check up every month for the rest of my life, I was told now that I'm older I only have to go at least once a year. Alot of things I was told growing up I was able to prove those doctors wrong, that's what makes me this strong person to day for the things I've been through in my life and I still can say that I'm happy and I have no complaints.

Sometimes I did wish that some things happen differently but some people weren't meant to be on this earth but I can honestly actually say that I was meant to be on this earth. Something could of easily went wrong in that hospital I basically lived in that hospital, scared to death that I wouldn't be able to one day go home, and still til this day I am petrified of going to the hospital, I'm scared going in the hospital and never going back home. When my parents have the suggestion of going to the hospital for something as simple as an x-ray I refuse to go, I have the fear of dying in the hospital because of my experiences of being in the hospital so much through out my life.

I do not know absolutely everything about this disease that's why I'm going to enjoy researching it because I would like to know whats exactly going on. The main questions I have is what exactly is blue baby? Which is another name for this disease, what causes this disease? Can this disease be cure? If so, how? Where does this disease come from? Can this disease be prevented? What are some other heart defects besides this one? And the big question is, what can be done to help mothers avoid heart defects in their babies?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Epilepsy; Trying to Get Rid of the Sick

I became interested in epilepsy because I have it. I had it ever since I was a baby. I still have seizures like crazy till this day. I have these weird seizures. When I have them I start to feel very sick. Sometimes I pass out or I just get this dizzy feeling. I also start to get very hot. My temperature starts to rise. These seizures cause me to have a short term memory. I could be busy doing something then all of a sudden I forget what I was just doing. I also have a problem with remembering names and phone numbers. I have to keep my cell phone with me because of my memory loss. The seizures I have really mess with my memory. I could have a seizure, after it passes someone could ask me what's my own phone number or even my house phone number and I can't remember. After 10 minutes or so my memory starts to come back to me then I start to remember the number or numbers. I just have to sit down, let the seizure pass and get myself back together.

I really have no clue about what epilepsy really is. I want to know anything and everything about it. Ever since I found out I had it, I wondered how many other people have epilepsy. I wonder if epilepsy is a death sentence? It's a scary thing to have because sometimes I have seizures and I'm not even aware of what's going on. I just never took the time to sit and do the research. The only thing I know about epilepsy is that it's a seizure disorder. I also know what I need to do when I'm having a seizure. Most of the time I just have to relax and just have the seizure until it passes. But when my temperature rises I know that I need to get somewhere where it's cool so my high temperature can decrease. Usually I just go outside or when I'm too exhausted from my seizure I'll just sit by a window.

I want to know what is the best strategy or plan someone can put in place to avoid sudden death from epilepsy? Really what is epilepsy? I wonder if epilepsy can be controlled. Can anyone ever get rid of it? What are the causes of epilepsy and what
are the different side effects?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Graduation Day *Choices*

Josie made a terrible choice by casting a spell that killed most of her classmaes. I don't believe that I would have made the same decision as Josie made because I wouldn't have cast a spell in which I was unsure of the outcome. I feel that I liked to put thought in to any decisions I make and consider the outcomes of the choices I might make. Also, I know that every decision I make in life will have an impact on the people in my life. I would not want to live with the guilt of knowing that my actions brought harm, death, or unhappiness to the people I care about. Therefore, I do not agree with Josie's careless decisions and would never consider acting as she did in the story.

Do you think Josie based her decisions on moral values or was it impulsive?

Growing From Experience!

In this book Josie Maxwell was the main character. After discovering an old book of spells, she is careless in her choice to experiment with the casting of spells from the book unaware of the danger it could pose to herself and others. As a result, while at a party, Josie watched helplessly as her unsuspecting friends were murderd by an evil spirit she inadvertently summoned through her spiritual play. Believing that she could undo the damage, Josie discovers a way to turn back the clock in an attempt to change the impending doom of her friends. Unforrtunately, the death of her friends was inevitable and once again, she could do nothing to save them. Following these events Josie no longer experimented with spells and spirits and realized that curiosity is not worth the risk of losing or harming friends.

Do yo believe that this incident was caused by Josie's curious nature or pure disregard for others?

Monday, February 25, 2008


The genre of this book is horror. I think that middle school kids would be more satisfied with this book. Maybe they would think that its a scary book. Im not very familiar with horror books but I am familiar with horror films. I think that this book breaks the mold's by it having an unusual plot. Many other horror books would most likely have a killer going around killing people. However, this book is different and has an evil spirit that came from a high school girl who cast a spell at a party. One thing I did like about this book was how the pictures of her dead classmates in the year books turned to skull heads. I also liked that when she was looked at prom gowns they all turned into red gowns with skull heads and blood coming out of them. I personally found this book to be a boring read that failed to engage my interest.

Based on the details given, do you believe this would be a story that would hold your interest?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Determined Hunter

Thinner by Stephen King

The genre I am reading is horror. I am very familiar with this genre. I love to read horror and sometimes it can be very mysterious. It will have you in suspense about what's going to happen next. I love it when a book makes you think. Horror can be very scary. This book that I am reading is sort of scary. But it will definitely have you thinking about what's going to happen next. It will make you so suspicious. My book seems to "break the mold" because this guy in the story had no clue what was happening to him until he realized that he had been cursed. When all his clues started to come together he knew that when he had seen a gypsy, that gypsy did something to him that turned his whole life around.
Now that his life has made a big dramatic turn, he is willing to fight to get his old life back. So now he's hunting the gypsy down who did this to him so he can become his old self again.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Conflicts Erupting

"Seniors Graduation Day", R.L. Stine
pg. (27-40)

So far in the story, I've learned that there was going to be an problem with one of the students named Dana going to Josie's graduation party. Josie intensions was to have one last fun night before everyone goes there seperate ways but not knowing that the party situations was going to cause problems for many students. The problem was that one of the students at the high school which is Dana's sister and also Josie's bestfriends had died that school year and many students especially Dana wasn't in an party mood. What I'm looking forward to learn next is, how did Dana's sister die and is Josie still going to have the graduation party. The problems and coflicts the characters are ging to face is the same problems now, I think that someone else will die from the class and alot of people still aren't going to want to basically move on with there lives, but Josie's still going to continue to have the strenght to move on and help others to move on. So far she's an honest person and she has explain to others the true meanings of life. This may cause many problems because most people like to dwell on the bad things in life other then the good possible things in life, so I believe the students will not be able to enjoy the day they've been waiting on for the past four years of there life.

A Thought Of Suspense

Thinner by Stephen King

The main character Billy, seems very motivated. What's making him so motivated is ever since he's been cursed, his friend Richard has motivated him to find the gypsies who did this to him and get the curse tooken off of him. So his motivation is to get this curse off of him and gain his weight back. The curse has him losing too much weight and now he looks anorexic and if it continues he's going to die. So his friend Richard has been by his side since this curse was put on him. Now Richard and Billy are very determined to find the gypsies who did this. They believe that if they can scare the gypsies, the gypsies will undo the curse and make Billy normal or better the way he used to be. But now Billy is really wondering if this plan he and Richard thought out will work. He's starting to think that if he and Richard go mess with the gypsies they will put a spell on Richard and kill him. So both men are second guessing about the plan they have come up with about fooling with the gypsies.
Now they have to either see if their plan will work , come up with a different plan, or just leave Billy to die. Now do you think Billy should just give up or go with the plan he and Richard came up with to get the gypsies to undo their spell?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Initial Impression of Graduation Day

Graduation Day, By R.L. Stine

Pg 1-26
This book isn't the type of book I really enjoy. I would be more interested in a book that could actually happen in real life. I find this book stupid because students died at a high school party by an evil spirit killing most of the kids. The spirit came from another student who cast a spell from an old book she had. Another reason why I don't like this book is that its not scary and thing like this wouldn't really happen so I believe that I can't get scared by this book.

Excruciating Changes

Thinner, by Stephen King (pgs#22-164)

Now that I'm half way through my book it really has become very interesting. I look forward to learning about how will the conflicts in this story will be resolved. The first conflict in the story is the characters in the story have been cursed by a gypsy. The main character Billy has been cursed and is now losing too much weight. The 2 other characters Cary and Donald which are his friends have been cursed by the same gypsy. Cary's skin is scaly and it's turning into reptile scales and Donald has huge pimples all over his body and they're getting bigger and bigger. The second conflict is that the gypsy has disappeared and now they have to find him. Neither character has a lot of left time before they die. So now they are on a mission to find this weird gypsy so they can get the curse reversed before their death. i want to know if this old weird gypsy will be found and will he agree to reverse the curses he has put on these guys so they can live.
This book has become very interesting to me because i like how these men are very determined to get their regular lives back. I also like wizardry such as he gypsy putting curses on people. I always wondered how can they do that without doing it to themselves. How can they cast a spell without messing up? But in all I love the book. Why do you think the gypsy put curses on regular working men?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Blog Response #1

"Seniors Graduation Day" by R.L. Stine
(pg 1-27)

My impressions of the book so far, honestly, it's pretty boring. I'm not really an horror fan but I know I should be scared to read parts of the book. I have yet to feel chills or goosebumps through my body. When I first picked up the book I thought that maybe I'll be scared to even read the first chapter but I've read through the first for chapters and there still isn't an fast "heartbreaking" moment. I feel as if the parts that are suppose to be scary aren't scary simply because there isn't enough specific details. For example there's this one scene where one of the characters named Trisha is down the hallway in school screaming, the main character Josie hears her cry and ran down the hallway, what she saw was Trisha arms were cut off this evil spirit, I don't find anything scary about that, I feel like someone's more likely telling me the story other then me feeling like I'm actually apart of the story. Maybe if the author would of been more surprising and a little less forward I would of been a little frighten, say for instance "Josie was in the dark hallway, no one around, not knowing that anyone was around the corner. Josie was scared because she knew something wasn't right, out of no where she hears a scream, she looked around and say nobody there, then she heard the cry again but this time it was even louder as if the sound was getting closer, next thing you know she looked around the corner and she yelled and to here shocking surprise she sees Trisha standing there bleeding crying next to this evil spirit and as she moved a little bit closer she sees that Trisha was standing with her arms cut off." I think that before the author actually says what happen you should put the reader into a position where there just about on the edge of there sit. So my overall impression of the book, I don't think I'm going to like it very much.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blog Response#1(thinner)

"Thinner" by Stephen King pg#(1-21)

So far in my book I really like it. The main characters Billy Halleck and his wife seem like very realistic people. There are really crazy things going on in their life. It's very interesting. Stephen King can really make up a good interesting story. It's telling me things about what can go on in life. I really haven't read enough to explain my real impressions on the book because I don't know what's really going on yet. But this is what I think so far. It's a mysterious story that makes you think really hard of what is going to happen next.

Monday, January 14, 2008

**Group Response**

We chose this genre because we really enjoy spooky and scary things. We think people read this genre because it's very interesting. Also it makes you wonder what's going to happen next, it makes you skeptical about the most frighten things in life. Horror is a realistic part of life and it shows what could possibly happen in certain situations that happens in movies, books and in everyday life.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Assessment - Indy Reading Project - December

Maurice - 5/5 Responses
Regarding your second response, why does Ponyboy run away?  Remember, his parents are dead.  I would think that this would make rifts with other family members more traumatic.  Anyhoo, I think that your 2nd and 3rd responses are your strongest.  I like that you start by making your point and then fully explain it.  Not a lot of plot rambling going on.

Sharne - 5/5 Responses
Very developed responses.  They need an ounce of fine tuning, but good job overall.

Diera - 5/5 Responses
Nice job D.  I'm reading a novel involving kidnapping also.  I think your 2nd response is your strongest, although I like the one about your old friend too.